Dynamic 83 Thorburn RD
Tel :709-738-3962
Spine Centre 83 Thorburn RD
Tel: 709-726-2225
Dynamic 35 White Rose Drive
Tel: 709-738-2225

Other Services

Get to Know Our Various Other Services
At Dynamic Physio & Wellness clinics in St. John’s, we offer a variety of other treatments for pain, such as kinesiology, reflexology and dry needling, among others. Our team of chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, kinesiologists and acupuncturists always prioritize patient-centred care. We take care of our patients by giving them one-on-one and hands-on treatments. We also take care of our patients by offering up-to-date and advanced equipment at our clinics.
Our wide variety of hands-on therapists can help you become the healthiest you. Get results now by booking an appointment with one of our physiotherapists, chiropractors, registered massage therapists, acupuncturists and kinesiologists.
Kinesiology uses exercise and movement science to promote health and wellbeing; prevent, manage and rehabilitate injuries; treat illness and chronic disease; restore function, and optimize human performance in the workplace, clinical settings, sports and fitness. Kinesiologists work with people of all ages, and physical abilities, in many locations to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. They improve quality of life, often using interventions that include physical activity.

Active Rehabilitation
The active rehabilitation program is geared toward people that have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. It includes injury-specific training with general strength training and conditioning. It is an exercise-based program with one-on-one training with an approved Kinesiologist or Physiotherapist. Typically the program begins with an assessment and can span 4-6 weeks with visits 2-3 times per week. Each session is about 90 minutes. After the program, there is a reassessment at discharge. This program will help get you quickly on the road to recovery.
Vertigo & Concussion Rehab
Diagnosis and treatment of dizziness, off-balance, vertigo, or concussion that may be due to a fall, motor vehicle accident or workplace injury. This one-on-one therapist-patient treatment spans multiple spectrums of the injury, including neurological, cognitive, and physical symptoms. The presentation of symptoms has extreme variations between individuals, so this can be pretty complex and requires individualized care. Due to the variation in symptom presentation between individual cases, having a qualified and certified therapist is essential for the best possible outcome in recovery.

Digital Running Analysis
At Dynamic Physiotherapy, the running analysis is carried out over three or four sessions by one of our physiotherapists. The first session is an initial physical evaluation. The second consists of a running portion carried out on a high-performance treadmill. Digital video is used in three different views; normal, slow, and super-slow motion. The third session reviews your running analysis, and we provide a copy for you to take home. If desired, a fourth session can be scheduled to see if there is any change in your running technique after a month or so.
MCU (Multi Cervical Unit)
The MCU is a computerized system that can assess and rehabilitate patients suffering from neck pain, whiplash, and general cervical spine disorders. This unique piece of machinery analyzes muscle strength and range of motion. Once deficits are identified, the MCU can provide a protocol to help treat the problem. Dynamic Physiotherapy is the only clinic in the province that currently offers this technology.

Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a practice used in traditional medicine, and it involves creating suction on the skin using a glass, ceramic, bamboo, or plastic cup. Negative pressure is created in the cup by attaching a suction device to the cup after placing it on the skin.
Cupping therapy is used for many medical conditions; it reduces pain, removes toxins, and improves blood circulation.
Many of our therapists can use cupping in their treatment plans. If this service interests you, please ask for it when booking your appointment.
Reflexology is one of the fastest-growing complementary therapies, and it’s easy to see why. Our feet are one of the least pampered and one of the most used body areas. From the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night, our feet serve as the foundation for your entire body in terms of support, balance, posture and overall well-being. A Reflexology treatment focuses specifically on the 7000 nerve endings and hundreds of Acupressure points of the feet, which causes a cascade of events throughout the rest of the body.

Reflexology reduces stress (which also adversely affects every major system in the body), as we can see from the following:
Stress and The Nervous System
When stressed, the body suddenly shifts its energy resources to fighting off the perceived threat. In what is known as the “fight or flight” response, the sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones make the heart beat faster, raise blood pressure, change digestive processes and boost glucose levels in the bloodstream. When the body is constantly in a state of fight or flight, dis-ease can occur. Reflexology shifts the body to the parasympathetic “resting” response, which allows the organs to function optimally and the body to return to a state of calm.
Stress and The Musculoskeletal System
Under stress, muscles tense up. The contraction of muscles for extended periods can trigger tension headaches, migraines, and various musculoskeletal conditions. Stress is a crucial component of pain.
Stress and The Respiratory System
Stress can make you breathe harder or more rapidly (hyperventilation), bringing on panic attacks in some people.
Stress and The Cardiovascular System
Stress causes an increase in heart rate and stronger heart muscle contractions. Blood vessels that direct blood to the large muscles and the heart dilate, increasing the amount of blood pumped to these parts of the body. Repeated episodes of acute stress (sudden upset like being stuck in traffic, for example) can cause inflammation in the coronary arteries, leading to a heart attack.
Stress and The Endocrine, Gastrointestinal and Reproductive Systems
Stress can affect your Adrenal glands, Liver function, Digestion (heartburn/acid reflux, nausea, butterflies, stomach pain etc.), Bowel function, Testosterone levels and sperm production in men, and absent, irregular or painful periods in women.
So it’s easy to see how stress affects the whole body and how important it is to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic response. And what better way than a calming foot massage!
Unfortunately, we cannot treat the following conditions:
Deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
Fever or high temp
Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
An infectious disease of the foot
Pacemaker or unstable heart condition
Unstable or risky pregnancy (before 12 weeks)
Reflexology is covered under most insurances.

Dry Needling
Dry needling is also called trigger point dry needling or myofascial trigger point dry needling. It is done by acupuncturists, chiropractors, medical doctors, and some physiotherapists (PTs) to treat myofascial pain. The word “myofascial” is made up of the roots “myo” (which refers to muscle) and “fascia” (which refers to the tissue that connects muscle).
Muscles sometimes develop knotted areas called trigger points. These trigger points are susceptible and can be painful when touched. They are also often the cause of referred pain (or pain that affects another part of the body). Clinicians push thin solid needles through the skin into trigger points. The needles are used to stimulate the tissue, not to inject any medication.
Pain affects how your body moves. It is thought that dry needling changes the way the brain and muscles talk to each other to let the system return to a more normal movement pattern.
A patient may experience different sensations when needled, muscle soreness, aching, and a muscle twitch when a needle is inserted is considered a good sign. The needles may be placed profoundly or superficially, for shorter or longer periods, depending on what type of pain is being treated and how long it has lasted. Shorter periods would mean that needle would stay in the muscle for seconds, while more extended periods could mean 10 to 15 minutes.
What kinds of pain does dry needling treat?
Dry needling is almost always used as a part of an overall plan that will likely include some type of exercise, manual therapy, heat therapy, and education. Dry needling increases the range of motion that may be limited due to muscle tightness or scar tissue. Dry needling may also treat:
Joint problems
Disk problems
Migraine and tension-type headaches
Jaw and mouth problems (such as temporomandibular joint disorders or TMD)
Repetitive motion disorders (like carpal tunnel syndrome)
Spinal problems
Pelvic pain
Night cramps
Phantom pain
Post-herpetic neuralgia (pain left behind by shingles)
How many sessions of dry needling will I need? Dry needling patients average 2-3 sessions and will not use more than 5-6 except in rare circumstances. Often we will use dry needling once or twice per week out of 2-3 visits.
How Long Does it Take for Dry Needling to Work? In many cases, improved mobility is immediate and decreased pain is felt within 24 hours. Typically, it may take a few treatment sessions (once a week for 2-3 weeks) for a lasting positive effect.
After dry needling, experiencing some slight soreness is normal, and you will typically note an improvement in your symptoms within one to two days. How long the benefits will last will vary per individual. The first few treatments will usually have a short length of relief spanning over several days.
We Offer Mechanical Traction For Neck And Back Problems.
The Benefits of Cervical Traction
There are several benefits to using cervical as a means to separate the bones and joints in your neck.
These include:
Easy to alter force based on your symptom response
Easy to adjust the angle of your neck while providing traction
Easy to provide spinal mobilization while providing traction
Cervical traction is used to help separate bones and joint surfaces in your neck to help decrease pressure on spinal nerves and to decrease neck pain. Manual cervical traction is one treatment that your physical therapist may use to control your neck pain and help you quickly return to your regular activity and function.

What Does Cervical Traction Do?
Cervical traction can be used for a variety of purposes. It can help decrease compressive forces in the neck, which can help take pressure off of the discs that reside between the vertebrae (spinal bones) in the neck. It can also open up the spaces where nerves exit the spinal canal, which can help relieve pressure off of a compressed nerve. Traction can also help stretch the muscles and joint structures around the neck.
Common diagnoses that may benefit from cervical traction include, but are not limited to:
Herniated or bulging discs in the neck
Neck arthritis
Neck strains
Cervical muscle spasms
If you have any of these conditions or symptoms, check in with your doctor and visit your physiotherapist to see if cervical traction is right for you. We will find the best alternative to help you live your pain-free life with many options. Call us on our Thorburn Road or White Rose Drive clinics to schedule an appointment!